I’m feeling miserable. The only way to describe my current mood is a profound feeling of grief. I’m grieving because I see the loss of democracy in America. The all for one and one for all despite our differences attitude that I used to understand as the belief, or at least the goal, of America is gone. I’m seeing a war going on against the little guy. A selfish creed has taken over vilifying others for their differences instead of celebrating differences as a strength of our country. I watch as our President is rude, vulgar, inarticulate, obnoxious, vindictive, divisive, hateful, belligerent, belittling, and boastful speaking on the world stage. I cringe as he puts in place policies disloyal to allies and supportive of adversaries and dictators. I see him acting cruelly and corruptly avoiding legal procedures with self-serving intent. From his first day in office I’ve seen him lie and facts laid out clearly against him, but our so-called leaders in Congress turn a blind eye to the truth and do not want to accept their responsibility to be a check and balance on the executive branch. Instead, they distort and deflect, using fear tactics and lies, to protect our lawless President, not even considering they are treating him like a king who is above the law. I see these followers, abandoning their oath to our Constitution, lying to the American people, having no strength of character, acting more like programmed robots than sentient beings and dragging citizens along indoctrinating them into joining their cult of selfishness, hate, and loyalty to a criminal. This is further dividing our country when facts are ignored and an alternate reality is presented and pushed onto those who don’t want to see, hear, or speak anything negative about our Dear Leader. It, unfortunately, is what is done in dictatorships, which is why I am grieving for our dying democracy.