Despite the fact that history classes, at least in my day, taught us that our nation was built on the backs of slaves, although they didn’t present it in those terms, anyone with eyes, ears, a heart, a conscience, just a simple sense of right and wrong, could feel the horror of slavery.  Anyone who has kept their eyes, ears, and brain open to new information through the news (real news, not right wing op-ed media) should understand our history of slavery and subsequent discrimination by white supremacists.  Anyone who has listened to black leaders, watched documentaries, educational TV, and movies depicting the struggles of black Americans to succeed must empathize with them.  Those who have paid attention will understand that black Americans have been forced to overcome obstacles placed before them by white supremacists trying to hang onto the vestiges of slave-owner power.   Today’s white supremacists relish those slave-owning days and want to “make America great again” with the use of free, or at least much cheaper labor by wage discrimination, perhaps.  Those whites who still hate and want to oppress and discriminate against anyone with more melanin in their skin are hard-hearted, hard-headed, narcissistic, selfish, self-absorbed, greedy, blind, deaf, and dumb monsters.  They are not human, as they want to rob others of their humanity.  In so doing, they are not robbing others of their humanity, these monsters have lost their own humanity.  At best, they are cannibals, killing, eating, and destroying their fellow human beings.

Now is the time we must cry out against these monsters.  We must cry out that our nation is built upon, WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, THAT AMONG THESE ARE LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  Those monsters that do not believe and do not live up to this principle do not belong in the U.S.A.  They do not belong on earth.  (With the progress of space travel, maybe we can eventually send them to Mars.)