No, I Don’t Feel Safer

Seth Meyers was right in his “A Closer Look” segment last night.  I enjoyed a brief break from constantly watching the news after the House of Representatives impeached President Trump.  Even though the Republicans declared they were working hand-in-glove with the White House, shedding even the appearance of impartiality for the Senate Trial, I managed to disengage myself from watching the news virtually 24/7.  During the last couple of weeks in December, I only monitored the news to see what was going on.  It was no longer blaring as the background noise of my life.  The very short-lived pleasant respite from the news reminded me of what life had been like before 2016.

My emotional vacation stopped abruptly on January 3rd when Trump decided to enrage Iranians, give everyone in the Middle East something to rally around by killing one of their heroes, Qasem Soleimani, which succeeded in renewing and inflaming their hatred of America.  My life again is punctuated by a long series of worrisome events that I have absolutely no control over orchestrated by a demented man in the White House and his brainwashed toadies.

Welcome to 2020 thanks to BLOTUS, our blowhard, lying, destructive, and stupid president.  Idiot!  No, I do not feel safer after you killed Soleimani.  Not at all safer.