Both Senators Rubio and Scott of Florida have classified the impeachment of Donald Trump as a waste of time. This has infuriated me. I have been contacting them daily and I hope everyone has been doing the same. The presentation by the Impeachment Managers has been devastating and horrific. I am almost as horrified as I was watching the insurrection on January 6th. I say “almost” because I know the insurrection didn’t succeed. But that was this time. If there is no accountability, I fear there will be a next time that will be successful. In fact, moving on and pretending this is a waste of time invites an insurrection to happen again.

I thought I would share my letter of today to my two ignorant Senators, who have said the impeachment proceedings are a waste of time:

“You cannot just shrug your shoulders and carry on as if nothing happened on January 6th! The events of that day and leading up to that day must be taken seriously. You must take the impeachment proceedings seriously. The Impeachment Managers are laying things out in such a clear way that even those with closed minds who are willfully throwing their souls at the feet of ex-President Trump should be able to see that his words mattered. He built his following and stoked their anger from the days of his campaign in 2015-16. He lied to them continuously, he fed their skewed ideas of victimhood with hopes of retaliation and retribution, and they hung on every word unquestioningly to the point that they formed a mob on January 6th and tried to overthrow our democratic government. They were intent on killing Trump’s enemies, including, newly declared enemy, Vice President Pence.

Trump must be held accountable and barred from ever holding office again. His term in office was a close call. Our democracy could well have ended. If we simply throw up our hands and say, “It’s over. Let’s move on. Doing anything about this is a waste of time,” we’re leaving the door open for this to happen again. It would be implying that forming a mob and storming the halls of government is the proper way to achieve political goals. I do not think anyone wants that. You cannot want to condone that. Pay attention. See the writing on the wall. Do not be a monkey that sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil. The evil did happen and as an individual who has been voted into office, taken an oath, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God,” and is in a position to actually do something about this, you must hold ex-President Trump guilty of Incitement of Insurrection.

Remember, there are 9,346,999 Democrats and those affiliated with other parties, and only 5,218,739 Republicans registered in Florida. Trump and his crew were saying how angry they were and acted out on that anger. Do you not think that the 9,346,999 people are not angry about what occurred on Jan. 6th? Do you not think that those who did not vote for Trump are not angry because of his attempts to overturn the election? I think it’s about time that you do your duty for the people. This is not just for the people who did not vote for Trump, it is also for the people who are so entrenched in Trump’s lies that they are virtually brainwashed. This might be the start of allowing them to break from Trump’s cult of lies. It may be years for some to break free. For some, never. However, it is imperative that they are shown the true face of the man who they upheld as their “savior” for the desperate, self-serving, fascist that he is.