Log Your Call – Common Cause

I urge everyone to call their senators to demand a true trial of evidence for the impeachment of our wanna-be dictator in the White House.  This moment is so vital to our democracy and as little peons, there is so little we can do about it, but we can call and let them know we are outraged with what is going on in Congress.

If you are looking for something to say, this is the message I left for Marco Rubio.  Feel free to borrow any of my thoughts for your message to your Senator.

“You cannot possibly agree that anything is acceptable in the President’s quest for reelection, just because in his overblown ego he thinks he is what is best for the country.  We, the people, are the ones to decide who is best for our country.  Our fair elections bar interference from other countries, let alone bribing, extorting, coercing them by holding back military funding to them to smear political opponents.  Where are your ethics?  Where is your character and integrity?  We need first hand witnesses.  We need an actual trial, not a farce–just a McConnell production to say there was one when there really wasn’t one.  We need witnesses and documents to have a true fair trial.”

I’m sure you can be more articulate, this being off the top of my head, but whatever you say, let them know you will not stand for them following BLOTUS like mindless fools/zombies.  They were elected to be sentient, thoughtful, honest public servants–that’s servants to us to represent the people, not to represent this crooked mob-boss-like self-absorbed ruler with a self-described grim reaper henchman, Moscow Mitch, to keep his spineless minions (Republican Congressmen) in line.