I have been quite depressed since the Republicans have allowed a criminal to remain in office as President and there doesn’t seem to be anything those that are in favor of democracy can do about it. I had decided not to waste my time and energy writing as I watched the demise of our government since no one else’s words seem to make any difference. Why would my words matter when words of great writers, judges, political commentators, politicians, and other advocates of democracy fall on deaf ears. But here I am, wasting my time because on Valentine’s Day, bald Lurch-lookalike, Senator Rick Scott sent me a letter ‘splaining why he voted to acquit Trump. This was, no doubt, a form letter sent to anyone who may have implored him to do the right thing and impeach King Trump. Unfortunately I’ve been stewing over his letter and responded to his office today, thus wasting another half day of my life because of our asshole president and his criminal conspirators. To whoever may be interested here’s his letter and my response to him.
Dear Senator Scott:
I have received your letter attempting to defend yourself for your abdication of your duty as a Senator to hold President Trump accountable for his abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, both of which are crimes against the American people. You show your disrespect for the Constitution and the power of impeachment afforded under the Constitution by calling the impeachment proceedings a charade. It was only a charade because you and your Republican enablers made it so. You closed your eyes, ears, and minds to the facts proving the Articles of Impeachment and refused to allow any further corroborating evidence. With your leader, Mitch McConnell, working hand in glove with Trump and his defense team, you did not allow an impeachment trial. You only had the pretense of one to snow those who have not had the time to pay close attention. The Senate’s theatrical performance of a trial with the preconceived outcome of acquittal fooled no one, with the exception of those whose lives are busy working maybe two and three jobs to make ends meet, who cannot keep up with the outrageous dismantling of our government by Trump, or those who refuse to see it. You may as well have allowed further evidence and pushed for the release of documents because it would have made for a better cover-up. Then, you could have at least said there actually was a trial even though you would have acquitted anyway. Since you have acquitted him, any crimes he perpetrates against our society, against our form of government, in his self-dealing and efforts to make himself a dictator over the USA are on you and your Republican colleagues. This is your legacy that you have created for yourself.
You and your fellow Republicans are guilty of cowardice and being willfully blind to the obvious truth of Trump’s guilt. Like an irresponsible, indulgent parent of a delinquent child, you have refused to discipline him and have allowed him to run roughshod over our government. You are guilty of aiding and abetting an aristocracy to take root to replace democracy in America. You are lying when you say there was zero evidence for Trump’s impeachment. Lying with your lame excuses as to why you acquitted someone obviously guilty makes you complicit in his crimes.
I will agree that impeachment should be a last resort. However, this was a last resort, one demanded by Trump’s own blatant criminal actions, and you and the Republicans in the Senate have thrown out this last resort allowing a criminal to remain in the most powerful position in the world despite everything we have endured from the time he was even running as a candidate for the presidency. Do you not remember things that he has done, things he has promoted, things he has said to inflame hatred and divisiveness in society? Do you not remember Trump’s reputation throughout his life and criminality uncovered since he’s been in the White House? Are you in on it and are you receiving monetary backing by him? One has to wonder why you support this man. You and your Republican colleagues have hitched your wagon to a leader that is sending American democracy over a cliff to replace it with a monarchy or dictatorship. You will go down in history as being in favor of this. Even if our democracy survives, you will be remembered as a blind Trump hugger and crony–a criminal yourself against democracy in America.
The last line in your letter stating that Congress must get back to work for the American people is also a lie. There are 400+ bills passed by the House sitting in McConnell’s dead file, 200+ of which are bipartisan. These are bills passed to improve the lives of the American people. All McConnell has allowed is the installation of conservative judges in an attempt to pervert the judicial branch of government, like he and Trump have perverted Congress (you and your Republican toadies being pawns), and how Trump and Barr are perverting the DOJ. Do not tell me you are trying to do something for the American people when you will not speak out to get these bills put forward on the floor for debate and a vote. Do not tell me you want to get back to work for the American people when you are against justice and the rule of law. You have allowed Trump to be above the law. You have enabled a dictator. What are you going to do to help us return to a democracy? You cannot do anything for the American people if we are no longer a democracy. You are only working for one man, and one man only, Donald J. Trump, our criminal president, or as he is termed in one court filing, Individual 1.