Editing is Never Done

The other day, I was flipping through my copy of Tourist Trap and spotted a mistake I had failed to catch when I edited, then published, the manuscript. It wasn’t an egregious error, so I decided I’d not fret about it. Because I hadn’t looked at Tourist Trap in a long time, I continued to read that chapter, and, unfortunately, found something else I wish I had changed. This made me realize that enough time has passed that I could now read Tourist Trap with the eyes of a new reader, which, in turn, has enabled me to catch a few more woopsies in the text that I want to change.

Editing a few words and/or formatting issues will involve reloading the manuscript into the KDP system after making my changes. Unfortunately, Amazon made some big changes in their self-publishing system since Tourist Trap was published. Therefore, I am a bit worried that I may end up with more problems and possibly more complicated problems than the few minor corrections I’m going to make because of the Amazon system changes. I truly hope my worries will be unfounded.