Please write to Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to tell them that we must eliminate the filibuster if we are going to have any positive movement in our country. Moscow […]
Books Written by Arleen McFadden Anderson
Please write to Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin to tell them that we must eliminate the filibuster if we are going to have any positive movement in our country. Moscow […]
I received the following email response from Senator Scott on February 20, 2021: Dear Mr. Anderson,Thank you for contacting me regarding the second impeachment trial and subsequent acquittal of former […]
Both Senators Rubio and Scott of Florida have classified the impeachment of Donald Trump as a waste of time. This has infuriated me. I have been contacting them daily and […]
Dear Senators Scott and Rubio: On February 5, 2020, you failed to honor your oath of office, to uphold the Constitution, and to honestly and faithfully perform your duty as […]
It has been five days since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were inaugurated to their positions as President and Vice President of our country, The United States of America. Just […]
From the time Trump announced he was running for president, his behavior and hateful rhetoric made me feel as though our country was in the midst of an abusive relationship […]
Dear Kamala, Be proud to be nasty. Wear that tag like a badge of honor. It means you are leaving a stinging blow and BLOTUS (Biggest Liar of the United […]
Remember when the cost of watching TV involved purchasing your television set and tuning in? That was when television advertisers paid the networks to place ads periodically during shows that […]
Day after day for these past four years, I’ve been mortified watching a broken, corrupt man take power and enacting outrageous, destructive, and now deadly policies while eliminating any individuals […]
Our country has been sickened and broken from four years under a sick and morally broken crook with autocratic ambitions living in the White House. In order to heal, we […]