Protests against the dictatorship that’s busy taking over the United States will be happening all over the US tomorrow. One will be taking place in my town, Erie, PA, in […]
Do Your Part to Save Our Democracy
I’ve been calling my senators and representatives expressing my opposition to the MAGA agenda. I’ve been looking up and contacting places that might organize protests opposing the coup headed by […]
Republican and MAGA friends need to see this
We cannot remain silent as BLOTUS destroys our country in every way not just economically, the relationship with our allies, our lives. I, for one, do not want to live […]
Trump’s Shit Show So Far
BLOTUS is throwing so much sh** against the wall that we’re not getting enough time to clean it up. As soon as one pile splats on the wall, another is […]
IMMIGRATION – It’s all about empathy.
People All it takes is empathy and some imagination to understand migrants.